How to Connect Your Domain or Subdomain to a Landing Page

Connecting your domain or subdomain to a landing page is a simple yet crucial step to ensuring your site visitors are directed to the correct page. Follow the steps below to configure your domain using CNAME records and point it to your landing page hosting provider.

Step 1: Access Your Landing Page Domain Settings
Log in to your landing page platform. For this guide, we'll be using Weblly, but the process is similar for other platforms.
Once logged in, navigate to the Domains section. This is where you can manage the custom domains linked to your landing pages.
Step 2: Add Your Domain or Subdomain
In the Domains section, click Add Domain to add the domain or subdomain you want to connect to your landing page.
You will see a form that prompts you to input your domain or subdomain. For example, in one of the screenshots, the subdomain was added to be connected to a landing page.
Step 3: Choose a Landing Page
After entering your domain or subdomain, select the Landing Page that you want the domain to point to. This step will associate your domain with a specific page you’ve created on Weblly.
In this example, the landing page chosen was Salesforce <> Netsuite v3.0. Select your landing page from the dropdown.
Step 4: Configure Your Domain's DNS
To point your domain or subdomain to Weblly (or another landing page provider), you’ll need to update your DNS settings. Specifically, you’ll add a CNAME record in your domain registrar or DNS provider.

Locate Your DNS Settings: Log in to your domain registrar (such as GoDaddy, Namecheap, or Cloudflare) and navigate to the DNS settings.
Add a CNAME Record: Add a new CNAME record with the following details:
Host: Your subdomain (e.g.,
Target: The target value provided by your landing page provider. In the example, the target is
Save the CNAME Record: Once added, save the DNS changes.
Tip for Cloudflare Users: If you're using Cloudflare, ensure that you have the CNAME record set to DNS-only mode for the redirection to work properly. This ensures that the domain points directly to the landing page without interference from proxy services.

Step 5: Verify Your Connection
After configuring your DNS settings, the changes may take a few minutes to propagate. You can use tools like to check if your CNAME record has propagated globally.

Once the DNS changes are fully propagated, visit your domain or subdomain (e.g., to ensure it is correctly pointing to the landing page you chose.

Updated on: 07/09/2024

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